Sunday, August 18, 2013

We're baaaack!

Our Road Trip to Wroclaw was awesome! Alexa did such a great job on the car ride up (12 1/2 hours...ugh!). I can honestly say that I was amazed. She slept most of the way and when she did wake up we stopped to nurse and change her, played a little bit and got some fresh air and then were back on our way. The ride home was a little more challenging, but we still ended up only having to stop twice to calm her down. She did awesome!

We had a great time in Poland! I am pretty sure I can eat my way through that country...oh wait, I totally did. As soon as we crossed the border we stopped to get kielbasa...nothing like kielbasa for breakfast! We had pierogi like five times during our stay. You can never get enough pierogi. Somehow, Alexa wasn't feeling the pierogi, I don't know where this kid comes from!! Oh well, more for me. We also had stuffed cabbage at Michael's grandma'

After spending a few short days in Wroclaw and visiting Michael's family in another town, we headed up to the lake house. It was such a cool little wooden house with a gazebo in the yard. The mosquitoes gave us a warm welcome and we did our best to kill every single one of the little suckers before they ate us alive! The lake was just gorgeous. I'm pretty sure I could have sat staring at the lake for hours on end. We wanted to go paddle boating, but it was just a little too cold. Michael was able to go fishing a couple of times and Anja and I went running every day. Alexa is just like her Papa and loves the outdoors. She loved going for walks by the lake and just sitting and staring out at the water. We'd definitely like to go again maybe next year, but we'd skip the city and just head straight to the lake for a week (bug spray in hand!).


  1. Im so glad to hear that the trip was great!!! Sounds like Alexa behaved like the little princess that she it ^^.
    And in a few years... Disneyland!!!! :D hahaha

    1. She sure is a little princess! I can't wait to take her to Disneyland!!
